
AACA Logo - Member of the American Acedmy of Clear Aligners

The clear alternative to metal braces for adults and children. Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. No brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.

We start off by doing an iTero scan and take pictures with our iPad Pro to help develop an individualized treatment plan for you. Once the treatment plan is developed, your next scheduled appointment will be to go over in detail what will happen throughout your couple months of treatment with us. This step can also be done virtual as well. After the treatment is accepted, the fun begins! We as a team will light cure the attachments on to your teeth to get the process started. You will be asked to come in monthly to see us so we can keep a close eye on the progress and give you enough trays to until your next visit. You will change your trays out every 4 days and keep them on your teeth 24 hours a day for the BEST results. After your treatment is over, we will take the attachments off and give you a set of Vivera retainers that you will wear at night to keep your teeth protected and in line. 

What is an iTero scan?

The iTero scanner is a digital scan that allows the doctor to almost eliminate the need for impressions and help create the clear aligners. See the video to learn more.

Make An Invisalign Appointment

Use our online form to book your appointment now!


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